DMESDO recognizes the need to help women in their economic status. We offer the following article as evidence of women's ability to contribute to today's society

  • The Issue: Women’s Economic Empowerment

Women have the potential to change their own economic status, as well as that of the communities and countries in which they live. Yet more often than not, women’s economic contributions go unrecognized, their work undervalued and their promise unnourished. Unequal opportunities between women and men continue to hamper women’s ability to lift themselves from poverty and gain more options to improve their lives. Research shows that inequalities persist in the way paid and unpaid work is divided between women and men; in the fact that women remain the sole caregivers at home, and in their limited access to resources.  What's more, these imbalances slow economic growth. Women’s economic empowerment that is, their capacity to bring about economic change for themselves is increasingly viewed as the most important contributing factor to achieving equality between women and men. But economically strengthening women who are half the world’s workforce is not only a means by which to spur economic growth, but also a matter of advancing women's human rights. When governments, businesses, and communities invest in women, and when they work to eliminate inequalities, developing countries are less likely to be plagued by poverty. Entire nations can also better their chance of becoming stronger players in the global marketplace. Consider some of the positive outcomes of women’s economic empowerment: Where women's participation in the labor force grew fastest, the economy experienced the largest reduction in poverty rates. When women farmers can access the resources they need, their production increases, making it less likely that their families are hungry and malnourished. When women own property and earn money from it, they may have more bargaining power at home. This in turn can help reduce their vulnerability to domestic violence and HIV infection. When women have access to time-saving technologies such as a foot-pedaled water pump or a motorized scooter – economic benefits can follow. ICRW research has found that technology helps women increase their productivity as well as launch income-generating pursuits and entrepreneurial ventures. Those kinds of outcomes empower women to become stronger leaders and to more effectively contribute financially to their families, communities, and countries. The bottom line? Investing in women helps speed up the development of local economies and create more equitable societies.

  • Our Role

Economic development efforts to combat poverty can only succeed if women are part of the solution. Doing so yields a double dividend: When women are economically empowered, they raise healthier, better-educated families. Their countries are more economically prosperous because of it, too. Since our founding more than 30 years ago, ICRW's work has expanded understanding of women's economic contributions as well as the hurdles that prevent them from being successful. Our efforts focus on how gender affects economic development efforts related to assets and property rights as well as employment, enterprise development, and financial services. We strive to increase women's ownership, use, and control of assets and property. We want to empower women as economic agents and better their ability to access markets on competitive and equitable terms. And with our partners, ICRW aims to integrate gender perspectives into program and institution activities. We believe such an approach improves the likelihood that efforts to strengthen women economically are successful. Women’s Work and Economic Empowerment In nearly every country, women work longer hours than men, but are usually paid less and are more likely to live in poverty. In subsistence economies, women spend much of the day performing tasks to maintain the household, such as carrying water and collecting fuelwood. In many countries, women are also responsible for agricultural production and selling. Often they take on paid work or entrepreneurial enterprises as well. Unpaid domestic work from food preparation to caregiving directly affects the health and overall well-being and quality of life of children and other household members. The need for women’s unpaid labor often increases with economic shocks, such as those associated with the AIDS pandemic or economic restructuring. Yet women's voices and lived experiences whether as workers (paid and unpaid), citizens, or consumers are still largely missing from debates on finance and development. Poor women do more unpaid work, work longer hours, and may accept degrading working conditions during times of crisis, just to ensure that their families survive.

  • Intergenerational gender gaps

The differences in the work patterns of men and women, and the 'invisibility of work that is not included in national accounts, lead to lower entitlements to women than to men. Women’s lower access to resources and the lack of attention to gender in macroeconomic policy adds to the inequity, which, in turn, perpetuates gender gaps. For example, when girls reach adolescence they are typically expected to spend more time in household activities, while boys spend more time on farming or wage work. By the time girls and boys become adults, females generally work longer hours than males, have less experience in the labor force, earn less income, and have less leisure, recreation, or rest time. This has implications for investments in the next generation. If parents view daughters as less likely to take paid work or earn market wages, they may be less inclined to invest in their education, women's fastest route out of poverty.


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